Book of Zephaniah
the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·was to Secret-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Kushïte the·son·of Great-Yʜ
the·son·of Said-of-Yᴡh the·son·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
in·the·days⁺·of Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Truth the·king·of Gloryhand :
gathering blasting all from·upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
blasting adam and·beast blasting the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ and·the·fish⁺·of the·sea
and·the·stumbleblocks⁺ with the·wicked⁺
and·I·cut·down °the·adam from·upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·I·branched·out my·hand upon Gloryhand
and·upon all·of the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and·I·cut·down from the·rising·place this °the·survivor·of the·Master
°the·name·of the·Nexuses⁺ near the·priests⁺ :
and·°that·prostrate·themselves⁺ upon the·roofs⁺ to·the·host·of the·skies⁺
and·°that·prostrate·themselves⁺ that·vow·seven⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·that·vow·seven⁺ in·King :
and·°that·are·skimmed·away⁺ from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·that they·did·not·seek⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ and they·did·not·investigate⁺·him :
ꜝshush from·the·face⁺·of My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ
as present the·day·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he·made·sure Yʜᴡʜ offering he·made·sacred that·are·called⁺·him :
and·he·was in·the·day·of the·offering·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·reckoned upon the·princes⁺ and·upon the·sons⁺·of the·king
and·upon all the·robed·in⁺ robe unrecognized :
and·I·reckoned upon all·of that·leaps upon the·sill in·the·day he
that·fill⁺ the·house·of their·lords⁺ violence and·trickery :
and·he·was in·the·day he the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ voice·of cry from·the·gate·of the·fish⁺
and·yowling from the·Second·House
and·break great from·the·hills⁺ :
ꜝyowl⁺ the·settling⁺·of the·pestle
as he·was·silenced all·of the·people·of Cashiers⁺
they·were·cut·down⁺ all·of hoisting⁺·of silver :
and·he·was in·the·season she
I·search °Torahshalom in·the·lamps⁺
and·I·reckoned upon the·mortals⁺ the·congealeds⁺ upon their·watchlees⁺
that·say⁺ in·their·heart
he·does·not·do·good Yʜᴡʜ and he·does·not·do·bad :
and·he·was their·strength to·looting
and·their·houses⁺ to·desolation
and·they·built⁺ houses⁺ and they·do·not·settle⁺
and·they·planted⁺ orchards⁺
and they·do·not·drink⁺ °their·wine :
present the·day·of Yʜᴡʜ the·great
present and·speeding very
the·voice·of the·day·of Yʜᴡʜ
bitter hollering there hero :
day·of crossness the·day he
day·of rockiness and·overpouring day·of vanity and·vainness
day·of darkness and·blackness
day·of cloud and·sprinkling·cloud :
day·of shofair and·cheer
upon the·cities⁺ that·are·fortified⁺
and·upon the·corners⁺ the·climbing⁺ :
and·I·rocked·in to·the·adam and·they·walked⁺ as·the·blind⁺
as to·Yʜᴡʜ they·sinned⁺
and·he·was·spilled·out their·blood as·the·dust
and·their·bread as·the·dungrolls⁺ :
also their·silver also their·gold he·is·not·able to·snatch·them·away in·the·day·of the·crossness·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·in·the·fire·of his·jealousy
she·is·eaten all·of the·land
as altogether surely agitated he·does
with all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land :
ꜝstubble·yourselves·together⁺ and·ꜝstubble·together⁺
the·clan not silver :
in·ere enchilding prescription
as·chaff he·crossed·over day
in·ere he·does·not·enter upon·you⁺ the·scorching·of the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·ere he·does·not·enter upon·you⁺
the·day·of the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝseek⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·humiliated⁺·of the·land
that his·judgment they·worked⁺
ꜝseek⁺ justice ꜝseek⁺ humble
¿maybe you·are·hidden⁺
in·the·day·of the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as Mighty abandoned she·is
and·Shekelry to·desolation
Breaster in·the·noonpeak² they·drive·her·off⁺
and·Sterile she·is·sterilized :
¡oweh! the·settling⁺·of the·rope·of the·sea the·clan·of Cutters⁺
the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺ Cashiers⁺ the·land·of Palestinians⁺
and·I·caused·you·to·be·lost from·there·is·ńot settling :
and·she·was the·rope·of the·sea habitations⁺·of goathouses⁺·of tendents⁺ and·fences⁺·of sheep :
and·he·was rope to·the·survivor·of the·house·of Gloryhand upon·them they·tend⁺
in·the·houses⁺·of Shekelry in·the·evening they·lie·down⁺
as he·reckons·them Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺ and·he·returned their·captives⁺ :
I·heard the·detraction·of From-Father
and·the·blasphemies⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
that they·detracted⁺ °my·people
and·they·make·great⁺ upon their·border :
to·surely living I the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ Powers⁺·of Princepowr as From-Father as·Sodom she·is and·the·sons⁺·of Peopled as·Gomorrah
estate·of nettle and·drilling·place·of salt and·desolation unto eternity
the·survivor·of my·people they·spoil⁺·them
and·the·remainder·of my·clan they·derive⁺·them :
this to·them under their·majesty
as they·detracted⁺ and·they·make·great⁺
upon the·people·of Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ :
fearsome Yʜᴡʜ upon·them
as he·made·lean
°all·of Powers⁺·of the·land
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·him man from·his·rising·place
all·of the·islands⁺·of the·clans⁺ :
also you⁺ Kushïtes⁺
the·pierced⁺·of my·sword they⁺ :
and·ꜝlet·him·branch·out his·hand upon north
and·he·loses °Blessed
and·ꜝlet·him·place °Nineveh to·desolation
desert as·the·outspeak :
and·they·lay·down⁺ in·her·midst flocks⁺ all·of life·of clan
also vomitbird also severingbird
in·her·kaftowrs⁺ they·repose⁺
voice he·sings in·the·window-piercing withering in·the·portal
as cedarwork he·layed·bare :
this the·city the·exultant that·settles to·trust
that·says in·her·heart
I and·my·limit again
¿ħow she·was to·desolation lying·place to·the·life
all crosser upon·her
he·whistles he·rattles·around his·hand :
¡oweh! imperious and·goeled
the·city the·exiler :
she·did·not·hear in·voice
she·did·not·take instruction
in·Yʜᴡʜ she·did·not·trust
to her·Powers⁺ she·was·not·present :
her·princes⁺ in·her·impresence
lions⁺·of roaring⁺
her·judges⁺ jackals⁺·of evening
they·did·not·have·frame⁺ to·the·dayplow :
her·prophets⁺ raunchy⁺
mortals⁺·of covertness⁺
her·priests⁺ they·pierced⁺ sanctuary
they·did·violence⁺ torah :
Yʜᴡʜ just in·her·impresence
he·does·not·do evil
in·the·dayplow in·the·dayplow his·judgment he·gives to·the·light he·was·not·deflocked
and·not knowing evil shame :
I·cut·down clans⁺ they·were·desolated⁺ their·corners⁺
I·withered their·exteriors⁺ from·no crosser
they·fell·to·plots⁺ their·cities⁺ from·no man from·there·is·ńot settling :
I·said surely you·fear °me you·take instruction
and he·is·not·cut·down her·home
all that I·reckoned upon·her
surely they·yoked·up⁺ they·ruined⁺
all·of their·exploits⁺ :
to·surely ꜝlinger⁺ to·me the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·day·of my·arising to·witness
as my·judgment to·gather clans⁺ to·collect·me kingdoms⁺ to·spill·out upon·them my·damnation all·of the·scorching·of my·nostrils
as in·the·fire·of my·jealousy
she·is·eaten all·of the·land :
as then I·convert to people⁺ lip clean
to·call all·of·them in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·serve·him yoke one :
from·region·across to·the·streams⁺·of Kush
my·supplicants⁺ the·daughter·of my·been·scattered
they·make·course⁺ my·tribute :
in·the·day he you·are·not·ashamed from·all·of your·exploits⁺
that you·rebelled in·me
as then I·remove from·your·impresence the·exultant⁺·of your·majesty
and you·do·not·add to·climb again in·the·mount·of my·sanctuary :
and·I·let·survive in·your·impresence
people humiliated and·pulled·down
and·they·refuged⁺ in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
the·survivor·of Princepowr they·do·not·do⁺ evil and they·do·not·speak⁺ a·lie
and he·is·not·found in·their·mouth tongue·of trickery
as they⁺ they·tend⁺ and·they·lay·down⁺ and·there·is·ńot cause·for·shuddering :
ꜝshout the·daughter·of Tzion
ꜝcheer⁺ Princepowr
ꜝbe·glad and·ꜝexult in·all·of heart
the·daughter·of Torahshalom :
he·removed Yʜᴡʜ your·judgments⁺
he·refaced your·enemy
the·king·of Princepowr Yʜᴡʜ in·your·impresence
you·do·not·fear bad again :
in·the·day he
he·is·said to·Torahshalom ꜝdo·not·fear
Tzion ꜝlet·them·not·go·slack⁺ your·hands² :
Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·your·impresence hero he·saves
he·rejoices upon·you in·gladness he·crafts·silence in·his·love
he·twirls upon·you in·shouting :
sorrowing⁺ from·assembly I·gathered from·you they·were⁺
burden upon·her detraction :
¡lo!·me doing °all·of that·humiliate⁺·you in·the·season she
and·I·saved °that·limps and·that·is·banished I·collect
and·I·placed·them to·praise and·to·name
in·all·of the·land their·shame :
in·the·season she I·bring·in °you⁺
and·in·the·season my·collecting °you⁺
as I·give °you⁺ to·name and·to·praise in·all·of the·people⁺·of the·land
when·I·return °your⁺·captives⁺ to·your⁺·eyes² he·said Yʜᴡʜ :